After an injury, we often resort to the RICE or PRICE method, which involves resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the injured area. However, recent evidence-based updates suggest that avoiding anti-inflammatory medication is crucial during the first few weeks of healing. The acronym PEACE is now being used in injury management, and here is what it’s telling us:
Protection: The protection aspect of the PEACE method emphasizes the importance of protecting the injured area without completely immobilizing it. This may involve using braces or splints, which provide stability without restricting all movement.
Elevation: Similar to the RICE method, elevating the injured area can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow.
Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Agents: Unlike RICE, the PEACE method advises against the use of anti-inflammatory medications during the initial stages of injury, as inflammation is considered part of the natural healing process. Using anti-inflammatories may interfere with the body's ability to repair itself.
Compression: The PEACE method recommends a modified approach to compression. Instead of tight compression that might restrict blood flow, gentle compression may be used to provide some support without inhibiting the body's healing mechanisms.
Education: Educating the individual about the nature of their injury, potential recovery timelines, and the importance of active management is an essential aspect of the PEACE method.
Even though injury management techniques are constantly changing as new research is being conducted, it is important to put the newest methods into practice. At this point in the medical literature, if you use the PEACE method you are giving yourself the best chance at a full and healthy recovery.
Watch this video on the PEACE Method to learn more: